Grab your foam roller and flow between 10 self-massage moves that hit your whole body.
This routine can help relieve muscle tightness, soreness, and inflammation, and increase your joint range of motion.
It’s ideal for pre/post-workout and anytime of day.
===> DOWNLOAD [Foam Roller] Cheat Sheet
Here’s how to do it:
- Perform each move for a minute with no rest between moves for 10 total minutes. Switch sides at the halfway 30-second mark for all single-sided exercises:
- Quadriceps L/R
- Hamstrings L/R
- Adductors L/R
- TFL/IT Band L/R
- Glutes L/R
- Calves L/R
- Shins L/R
- Shins (Lateral) L/R
- Lats L/R
- Thoracic (Upper/Mid-Back)
- Pay attention to which areas of your body are most sore and tight and be sure to spend extra time on these areas at all other times pre/post-workout. Prioritizing your self-massage in this manner will provide you the biggest bang for you buck.
- For knee pain, focus on #1, 4, 5
- For shoulder pain, focus on #9, 10
- For back pain, focus on #2, 3, 5, and 10. #10 is also great for improving posture.
- If you run/jump a lot and/or suffer from shin splits, focus on #6, 7 and 8.
I simply cannot stress enough the importance of daily self-massage. It will make you feel better, move better, and perform better.
If you’re serious about changing your body, feeling better, and making serious gains in the weight room and on the field/court, then “self-massage” days are a must.
After all, you’re only as strong as how well you allow yourself to recover.